“Tabistry - [tab - us - stree] noun, plural -tries, verb, -tried, -try·ing.
- the art of creating versatile textile out of ordinary pop (soda)/bear/soup/fruit/other can pull tab woven together with fabric, ribbon, cord, wire, jump rings or any other material.
- a fabric consisting of can tabs which are woven together by hand to produce a design, often wearable, used for clothing, wall hangings, furniture coverings, etc.
- to furnish, cover, or adorn with pop tabs.”
Truly a case of Trash to Treasure, and a wonderful way to creatively recycle all those beer or soda pop tabs most of us generate every day.
The result of her innovative technique evokes chain mail, mermaid scales or jewel-encrusted fabric that gleams and flexes and shimmers.
She includes the cost breakdown for some of her projects and they are astonishing. Imagine making an entire Ren Faire costume for $25!
Inspired? Want to try your hand at it? Tiffany offers an in-depth tutorial to get you started here: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=28080979
The Art of Can Tabistry Blog:
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