Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Work: "Librarian"

She looks rather stern, doesn't she?
"Librarian" by Cristina McAllister

I think I'm in Love...!

...with Pendragon's fantastic boots!

Dollhouse Bettie Lingerie & More!

While surfing the Interwebs for costume inspiration for my Angels this weekend, I came across Dollhouse Bettie. Founder Michelle started her lingerie career selling vintage items on ebay. Three years later, she and her partner Eric opened their boutique in the historic Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco.

This is not your average Fredrick’s-of-Hollywood lingerie store – Dollhouse Bettie’s selection exudes the exquisite class, glamour and romance of the feminine charm of bygone eras. They offer a wide assortment of carefully selected, gorgeous items – from one-of-a-kind, authentic vintage pieces to unique, stylish items from contemporary designers, including their own in-house original designs.

And we’re not just talking bras and panties, but a wide range of retro underthings such as bloomers, peignoirs, pantaloons, tap pants, girdles, knickers, jumpers, corsets and even burlesque accessories like feathery pasties, headdresses and fans.

Their website is well designed and I especially love the beautiful photography of their items (worn by beautiful models who make those granny panties look GOOD!). Michelle is a talented camerawoman, and her photo slideshows offer a variety of views of each piece, lovingly showing off the luxurious fabrics, stylish cuts and delicate details.

Michelle also offers Boudoir photography taken at a nearby studio located in a “gorgeous turn of the century Edwardian flat with ethereal diffused natural light and period furnishings”.
Her blog, Adventures in Pantieland, is an intriguing glimpse into the world of vintage apparel and lingerie. This woman knows her lacy underthings!

My favorite items:

Dollhouse Bettie Original Apron Garter Belt

Letters of Marque Bloomer

And especially these adorable Chanteuse Ruched Silk Pinup Shorts!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Burlesque Sketch

Somthing I'm working on.
Still pondering the color scheme...

Playlist feature added...

I've been having fun finding "angel"-related songs to add. There are a lot to choose from! Quite an eclectic mix. Hope you enjoy exploring it. I've just been letting it play as I work at my computer.
I know I sometimes find autoplay-enabled music on blogs and webpages to be annoying, which is why I added a note at the top of the page with instructions on how to turn the music off.

What do you think about the music/playlist feature?
Like it or Loath it? Please comment!

New Work: "Pretty in Pink"

Having fun with old-fashioned feminine frippery!
"Pinky" by Cristina McAllister

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Review of Cirque Berzerk: Beneath

There are many ways to describe Cirque Berzerk’s new show “Beneath”: artful, dark, lush, moody, decadent, striking, romantic, absurd, twisted, stylish, engaging…I could go on.
But one thing that really struck me about this unique theatrical experience was its pure sensuality.
This show is HOT! Dangerously hot - decadently, daringly, delightfully sexy!

From the delicately decaying Dames Deceased burlesque numbers to the balancing contortionist performing a “private dance” for an entranced patron… from the breathtakingly beautiful, homoerotic aerial straps performance to the trapeze couple attempting to seduce the heroine into a “threesome”, this show sizzles with erotic undertones, overtones and a rich, creamy middle of dramatic sexual tension!

One of the most riveting acts was the dance of a drowned sailor and his lover, who bereft, threw herself into the sea to join him in the afterlife. I’m not even sure what you would call this performance – a combination of contortion, balancing, dance, acrobatics, kama sutra…? These two beautiful people intimately entwining and wrapping around each other, caressing, lifting, holding, sliding…the passion palpable, the connection electric…!
I have to admit, I found myself getting a bit hot under the collar!
This show is a feast for the senses. It’s visually stunning – the ambiance, costumes, choreography are all fantastic. The music (original compositions performed by a live, in-character band) is a perfectly mad and marvelous accompaniment to the action. The smell of fog juice and kerosene, the taste of kettle corn and cocktails, the contrast of the cool evening air and the dense, murky atmosphere of the tent are all sublime.

Beyond the big top pageantry of the show itself, the Cirque Berzerk experience includes food booths and a picnic area adorned with arcane, fire-spurting contraptions. The over-21 area features a small marketplace of unique items, and a rockin’ bar with vintage pinball machines and live performances by delightful burlesque band Vaud & the Villians. The pre, intermission and post-show party is almost as much fun as the circus show.
In fact, I’m thinking about going down there next weekend, just to get a drink and see the band, which does not require a ticket.

In the meantime, I'm already working on new pieces inspired by Cirque Berzerk's delicious style!

If you are anywhere near the Los Angeles area, I highly recommend you check out this unique event. Shows run through the end of July, and their big top tent is set up at the Los Angeles State Historic Park in downtown L.A.
Info and tix here:
*Photo by Curious Josh - check out his fantastic Cirque Berzerk photo gallery!

Friday, June 26, 2009


"Ad Disapproval Reason(s):

* The image of this ad is either irrelevant or inappropriate. Per sections 3 and 8 of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines, the image on your ad should be relevant and appropriate to the item being advertised. Images that are overly explicit, provocative, or that reveal too much skin are not allowed. Images that may either degrade or idealize any health condition or body type are also not allowed. In addition, unrealistic or graphic comparison images are not permitted. If you choose to submit this ad again, please use an appropriate image that adheres to all of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines."

I wonder which part I violated???
The Offending Image (above).
I even put little stars on the boobies and everything and they still got mad!!!

Friday Night Cocktail

Well, it's almost Friday night, anyway!

Time for a creamy, dreamy cuppa somethin' sweet and sinful. Tonight's featured cocktail is the Angel's Wing - a heavenly, chocolaty concoction to float you away:

Angel's Wing:
1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao
1/2 oz Brandy
1 tblsp Light cream

Instructions: Pour ingredients carefully, in order given, into a pousse-cafe glass so that they do not mix. Serve without mixing.


New Work: "Purity"

Just finished my latest Angel - "Purity". No bells and whistles for this serene siren...just pure, curvy delight!
"Purity" by Cristina McAllister

Nature is Sexy!

Take a peek at this intriguing collection of naughty nature photographs at:

Prints and Cards Now Available!

Through the Magic of Print-On-Demand technology, I can now offer my work to you as museum-quality giclee prints and greeting cards from FineArtAmerica.com!
What is a giclee, you ask? How do I even pronounce it???
The French word "giclée" (pronounced “zhee-klay”) is a feminine noun that means a spray or a spurt of liquid. The word may have been derived from the French verb "gicler" meaning "to squirt".
Oh my!
We are, of course, speaking of inkjet printers (so get your mind out of the gutter!)!

In the art world, giclee is a term for fine art prints from digital sources printed with archival inkjet printers. This method produces high-quality reproductions of photographs, scanned artwork, or digital art and has become a gallery standard.
FineArtAmerica offers a selection of museum-quality fine art papers to choose from. You can even have the artwork printed on canvas!
I recommend the Premium Archival Matte or the Epson Premium Semi-Matte Photo Paper for printing my angels.
Another groovy feature of FineArtAmerica is that you have the option of ordering your artwork complete with frame, matting and glazing. Their interactive framing interface allows you to preview your prints in any of the thousands of frame and mats in their selection.
And their prices can’t be beat – generally 25% - 50% less that most retail frameshops can offer. AND there’s a 30 day no-questions-asked return policy!

The greeting cards are fully customizable – you can adjust the artwork size and orientation, card background color and even have your own special message printed inside!

It really is an awesome service and I’m excited to be working with them (as you can probably tell by the unreasonable number of exclamation points in this post!)!!!

So go check out!: Cristina's Angels Print Shop

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I am in Danger...

...of spending entirely too much time wandering happily around this site!:

Pretty Women...Fascinating...

Why are pretty girls so much fun to draw??? I suppose it's related to why they are so much fun to look at, which I suspect has something to do with primitive drives to propagate the species. Though that does not explain why I, and many other women, like to look at them as well.
In any case, I've been fascinated by sexy femmes for as long as I can remember.
Most little girls fall in love with pretty princesses.
I also fell in love with slutty princesses like Princess Daphne from the Dragon's Lair arcade game. I was enchanted by the transformation wrought on Leah by the captivating Gold Bikini. I was entranced by Frazetta and Vallejo's voluptuous barbarian warrior princesses and luxuriant maidens.
There’s a power in female sexuality – that allure, that temptation, that delightful delectation. It lures us, entrances us…we cannot look away.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Back to the Old Drawing Board

So, it’s been a little while since I’ve done any art stuff. I kinda got burnt out and took some time off. Did some temp work. Looked for a “Real Job”.
Still looking.
The other night I talked to a friend who curated a show for me awhile back and she was eager to see more work from me. Explaining to her that I was taking some time off from art and hadn’t done anything new for months kind of made me feel like a shlub.
Luckily, that conversation percolated through my brain and got my creative gears turning again. The next day I dove headlong into a new piece and began to explore a new direction with my art. Actually, it’s more like refining and expanding something I’d been previously exploring and had kind of petered out on. A bunch of the influences and stylistic things I dig are coming together in a new way that I’m really liking.

Cristina's Art Blog is Born!

Happy Birthday!

Henceforth, this space shall be filled with the flirty, fluttering figments that emerge from my impetuous imagination; sketches, scribbles, finished works... maybe some step-by-step behind-the-scenes exposes! As Well As: news and updates and whatnot! Also: probable random ramblings and nifty and/or spiffy stuff I've discovered that I must share with you.
Stay tuned and Tell Your Friends!